Sunday, January 16, 2011

Starting Up Again

Purging, that is. This is a constant activity for me. I really try hard to make tough decisions and not relocate things to the basement when I purge other rooms in the house but I think it's inevitable. I have decluttered my basement more times than I can count and always, it goes back to looking like this........

and this.....

and on the other side of the back recesses....

see those painted cabinet doors against the wall? Those are the doors from my kitchen cabinet...the one that looks like this now....

But let's not get sidetracked. Back to the scary basement (see how I'm humbling myself?)...

Now into what I hope will be a TV room someday soon....

ACK! That primer on the paneling was started about 10 years ago.

And another view...

Doesn't look tooooo cluttered over there except those boxes full of remnants from Mark's previous job but HELLO BRADY'S! That mid-century couch is an iron in the fire...I'll get around to slip-covering or reupholstering that soon. (One of my fears).

There you have it, my cluttered basement. I have already started clearing and making decisions. I took a load to the junk store and one to my mom's. (I swore I wouldn't do that because I have a feeling that I'll be toting it out of there again some day-but that's o.k. for now). I'll post an update.

One thing that I decided to do was to make a conscious effort to get rid of empty or near-empty storage type containers. I had a couple of plastic drawer-type things on wheels that are useful for storage but decided that I wanted them out. If I don't have them then the things that I'd normally store in them wouldn't have a home and I'd have to get rid of those, too. The idea is to have LESS! Simple, right? We'll see.

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