Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Spring Cleaning Made Easier

I've always wanted the house to be clean before Holy Week and have never been able to make it happen. This year, I did it and the house actually feels bigger. I don't know if I made it to 40 bags over the 40 days. I may even have gotten more out of here. But the house is considerably lighter and getting rid of all that extra clutter really made it easier to clean.

I'm anticipating that it will make the house easier to keep clean.

The surprising result of decluttering-and this happens everytime I do a good one-it makes me less tolerant of any extra stuff. This doesn't bode well for the Easter baskets this year-sorry kiddies. I'm enjoying the clear spaces and ready to go another round after Easter. I haven't been bagging things up this week. I'm ready to exhale in anticipation of Holy Thursday through Sunday. I'm looking forward to spending some relaxed, quiet time with Mark and the kids and with my brothers and their families on Sunday. That's a first since "spagetti Wednesday"(our annual night-before-Thanksgiving gathering).

I'll be writing more about simplifying after the holiday.

Happy Easter.

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