Thursday, March 4, 2010

What to Do with the Games

A look at our living room. Small on space-large on storage! I know, I know, I
need a serious decorator. My brother painted that watercolor above the mantel of 
Mark's family cabin. It's awesome.

An email from Cheryl inspired me to tackle our games. There are only a few games that I have the patience to sit down with. Even as a kid, I didn't love board games. Mark likes to play, though and the kids also play with each other, so they are worth keeping around.

We don't have an overload of games but we do have some that aren't played as often as others. For this chore, I didn't deal with the various card games we have that I consider more learning or math games. This wasn't an overly burdensome task since the games are stored in a living room cabinet that isn't ideally suited for much else. I do purge them pretty consistently but they can get toppled and messy in there. I don't get how they manage to get all askew-we're talking all rectangular and 2 basic sizes, but somehow they get all sideways and slanted.

Today I purged all the puzzles that the kids have outgrown. Mostly wooden puzzles. I also got rid of a felt board and just a few games. It was only a small box but better at the junk store than in my cabinets.

I don't think anyone's ever played "Operation" the right way, it's just entertaining trying to grab the things and get zapped. The "funny bone" still makes me smile. "Pretty Pretty Princess" is for when my nieces visit. 

Have you seen Sarah's empty drawers and bins? She's my hero. I'm slightly afraid of empty spaces in cabinets and drawers, though. That's a junk magnet waiting to happen in my house. But it is a noble goal and I'm going to get 1.

Wanna see my other cabinets, sure ya do. These are a dream, especially in our kind of small house. I say "kind of" because there aren't too many rooms but except for the living room they feel big.

That is not a can of formula, it's filled with poker chips. It's
a toddler game, cut a hole in the lid and let them plunk away.
I need to pitch that.

More play stuff and some photo albums. I really don't like 
photo albums, I'd rather keep the pictures in boxes in
semi-chronological order or by event.

Stereo, remaining CD's, photos and printer.
The previous owner kept their TV in here so it's

There you have it, a tour of my living room cabinets. Could be better, could be worse. 

I also cleaned out a couple of drawers in the big computer cabinet. I'll post about that tomorrow.


1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Your living room looks nice and neat. I got rid of 11-12 games yesterday. I'll do a post on it when I get to the foyer. Keep up the good work.