Wednesday, March 3, 2010

2 Small Successes

#1. I had one of those internal debates again and was going to poll some homeschoolers for help but before I got that far, I decided that it was fine to pitch old math books. The homeschool police probably aren't going to be knocking on my door to make sure my 5th grader completed his 3rd grade book or my 6th grader really actually learned addition way back when. I also concluded that the kids have no interest in browsing through these materials. Maybe most people ALWAYS chuck the old math books after their paperwork is turned in at the end of the year, but I had some insecurities about that. I'll have to do some investigating regarding whether high school transcripts might require samples of higher level math or something. But I think I can safely purge used elementary math books.

#2. At first I was throwing these into a big bag, you know for the  challenge, but that was HEAVY with everything else that was in there. Then I remembered that I was taking a load of junk mail, newpapers and magazines to our church's fundraising recycle bin. I wasn't sure if they accepted school or office paper so I checked the website of the company that provides the bins. DING DING DING. I loved not putting more recyclables in the landfill.

One more thing, I've been shredding like nobody's business around here. I can't believe how long I've allowed totally USELESS paper to take up real estate in our house. Crazy. When a thing has been sitting in a bottom file drawer for more than 10 years and neither of us has looked at it in that amount of time, we're not going to miss it.

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